Air Handling & Environmental Control
At ReynoldsTech we have had air handling and environmental control as one of the cornerstones of our company since our inception in 1978. Through this ongoing work, and because of the varied industries that we have serviced over the last 40 years, we are able to bring a skill set to our clients that is not available through other design/build companies.
Clean Air Handling
Available are a range of systems for providing both laminar flow clean air exhaust and return air handling, cleaning, and filtration compliant with the latest CGMP standards. Applications may require temperature and/or humidity control and these may be incorporated into our equipment as per our customer's needs. Some of our clean air products offerings:
Laminar Flow Booths
Incoming Product Sampling Areas
Laminar Flow Enclosures (free standing or floor supported)
Mobile HEPA Exhaust Filtration Systems
Fan Filter Modules
Fume Control
Many facilities involved with manufacturing on a research or production level will require fume control enclosures. We offer these as either standard or custom items and are able to fabricate from almost any material which provides our customers an added degree of customization not offered by other companies. Our fume control products include:
Laminar Flow Booths (roto-vap control, glass reactor isolation, mixing)
Standard Duct Fume Hoods (acid and solvent applications)
Ventless Fume Hoods (weigh scale enclosures, product subdivision)
Powder Control
Powder control for the pharmaceutical industry involves a knowledge and experience base in air movement and conveying, capture velocities, filtration of supply and exhaust air, and CGMP requirements involving clean-ability and cross contamination issues. We use our knowledge in these areas in combination with our experience in industrial hygiene to deliever a full complement of products for our OSD clients, those filling reactor vessels, and those in need of product sampling and large scale dry product division. ReynoldsTech's offerings for powder control include:
Dispensing Booths
Product Sampling Enclosures
Process Off-Load Booths
Batch Charging Enclosures
Granulation and Milling Enclosures